Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fun recipes to send!

I got some good recipes off the LYC forum. Here are some of the good ideas from the girls to send.
Click on the link to go to the recipe or search Google for your own! Pin It


Anonymous said...

The cake in a Jar recipe works GREAT and my brother and his buddies were in 7th heaven over it. I think I had to use 2 boxes and that made about 10 or 12 jars by the way.

Great blog - I LOVE all the fun ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

You're actually not supposed to send homemade food.... They dont know what people may have slipped in it, so you're supposed to send store bought, packaged snacks. Most soldiers get this kind of stuff taken away if they get caught with it...

Nicole said...

Just to clarify, if you are sending homemade food to someone that you know it's no problem.

The only difference is if you create packages to be distributed to other soldiers and people you don't know that you should stick with prepackaged foods.

My soldier prefers homemade snacks to the prepackaged ones and has never had a problem!

Happy Care Packaging!